
Main Data

Width 14 m
Length Over Pontoon 99.00 m
Clear Width of Entrance 41.80 m
Maximum Draft over Pontoon 9.20 m

Burry Harbour Tidal Flap Gate

Designers: Clark and Standfield


Jacobs UK (Consultants to Burry Harbour)


Port of Burry, Wales

Strength check of a Tidal Flap Gate for impounding the Harbour at Burry Port.


Dock mooring winches designed to manoeuvre dock between layup berth, shore transfer berth, operating berth and deep sink berth.

Dock designed for future expansion to 28,000 TLC Panamax Size using a rocking joint to provide temporary connection to a future 16,000TLC Floating dock.

Dock uses a fully automated dock control system.