UCO Marine Contracting W.L.L. Bahrain
UCO Marine Contracting W.L.L. Bahrain
Islamic Development Bank
Islamic Development Bank
U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers
Malakoff & Wm Moore, Shetland
Malakoff & Wm Moore, Shetland
Port of Hafnarjordur, Iceland
Port of Hafnarjordur, Iceland
Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, India
Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, India
Aberdeen Harbour
Aberdeen Harbour Board, UK
Harrison Western Corporation, U.S.A.
Harrison Western Corporation, U.S.A.
Cammell Laird, UK
Cammell Laird, UK
Jan de Nul N.V.
Jan de Nul N.V., Belgium
Karachi Port Trust, Pakistan
Karachi Port Trust, Pakistan
Ministry of Defence, UK
Ministry of Defence, UK
Andrade Gutierrez S.A., Brazil
Andrade Gutierrez S.A., Brazil
Department of Transport
Department of Transport, Australia
ABP Associated British Ports
Associated British Ports, UK
Kystdirektoratet, Norway
Kystdirektoratet, Norway
Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd
Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd
Mexican Navy
Mexican Navy
Hooghly Dock & Engineering Ltd
Hooghly Dock & Engineering Ltd
Trinity House
The Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond Logo
Clients - Mazagon Dock Ltd., India
Mazagon Dock Ltd., India
Gulf Coast Trailing Co., U.S.A
Gulf Coast Trailing Co., U.S.A
Department of Irrigation, Sri Lanka
Department of Irrigation, Sri Lanka

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Aberdeen Harbour Board, UK – Refurbishment of Pontoon Dock
Acorn Diamonds, Indonesia – Design consultancy and feasibility study
Andrade Gutierrez S.A., Brazil – Stripper Cutter Suction Dredge
Associated British Ports, UK – Design and supply of dredging equipment and instrumentation


Babtie Group, Cardiff, UK – Pembroke Ferry New Twin Deck Terminal
Bauxites Parnasse, Greece – Design consultancy and feasibility study
BHP Titanium Minerals Pty Ltd, Australia – Design details of Bucket Wheel Dredger
Black Star Line, Ghana – 16,000 dwt Multi Purpose Cargo Vessels
British Dredging Ltd., Cardiff, UK – Dredging equipment


Cammell Laird, UK – Floating Dock
Chancier Gold Dredging, New Zealand – Gold Dredge
Compania Minera del Sur, Bolivia – Tin Dredge
Constructora Andrade Gutierrez, Brazil – Gold and Diamond Dredge


DeCloedt et Fils, Belgium – Dredge Consultancy Services
Department of Irrigation, Sri Lanka – Grab Dredges
Department of Transport, Australia – Unmanned Lightvessels
Desarollo Agropecuario Del. Pais, La Habana, Cuba – Cutter Suction Dredges


Empresa Maritimo Portuaria De Importaction, Cuba – Various dredges and tugboats
Empresa Navegacion Mambisa, La Habana, Cuba – Cutter Suction Dredge machinery
Esso – FPSO Greenwater Protection
Estalsa, Bolivia – Dredge survey feasibility study


Gulf Coast Trailing Co., U.S.A. – Split Hopper Dredge


Harrison Western Corporation, U.S.A. – Portable Gold Recovery Plant
Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, India – Shipyard Modernisation
Hooghly Dock & Engineering Ltd – Floating Dock


Islamic Development Bank – RoRo Conversion to Livestock Carrier


Jan de Nul N.V., Belgium – Design and supply of dredging equipment


Karachi Port Trust, Pakistan – Marine Consultancy
Kystdirektoratet, Norway – Dipper Dredge


Land Reclamation & Development Board, Sri Lanka – Grab Dredges
LISPAFISH, Libya – Tuna Longliners


Magadi Soda, Kenya – Bucket Dredge
Malakoff & Wm Moore, Shetland – Floating Dock Structural Survey
Marpesca/Obras Maritimas, La Habana, Cuba – Suction Hopper Dredge
Mazagon Dock Ltd., India – Bucket Dredge
MENAS – Lightvessel
Mexican Navy – Tugboats
M.I.M. Holdings, Australia – Dredge
Mineracao Tejucana S.A., Brazil – Stripping Dredge
Minero Peru S.A., Peru – Gold Dredge
Ministry of Defence, UK – Dock Gate Collision Barriers
Ministry of Defence, UK – Submarine Docking Cradles
Ministry of Defence, UK – Survey and Refit of Admiralty Floating Dock
Mowlem Northern Engineering – Berthing Pontoons for Naval Base


Newmineco, Italy – Consultancy services (Gold & Garnet recovery)


Osborn & Chappell Ltd., Malaya – Tin Dredge (Machinery)


Perangsang Alluvial International, Malaysia – Design Study
Port Authorities, Brazil – Suction Hopper Dredge
Port of Hafnarjordur, Iceland – Floating Dock Mooring Dolphins
P.T. Kodja (Persero), Indonesia – Offshore Tin Dredge


Robin Dredging (Pte), Singapore – Cutter Suction Dredge


South American Placers Inc., Peru – Gold Dredge
South Coast Shipping Co. Ltd., UK – Design and supply of dredge and dredging equipment
State Fishing Corporation of Ghana – Stern Trawlers and Tuna Purse-Seiners
State Gold Mining Corporation, Ghana – Gold and Diamond Dredge


Trinity House – Unmanned Lightvessels


UCO Marine, Bahrain – Dredging equipment
United Marine Aggregates, UK – Loading Towers
U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers – Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge


Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd – Floating Dock Survey


Weir Pumps Ltd., Nigeria – Floating Pump Station
Western Mining Corporation, Australia – Design consultancy and feasibility study


Yuba Dredging, California – Gold dredge
Yuba Placer Gold, U.S.A. – Dredge rehabilitation design
