All services are offered individually or as a complete package and are carried out by a fully qualified A.D.L. personnel.

Site Evaluation

Site inspection coupled with prospecting, evaluation of ore reserves, study of potential dredge course, test drilling and result analysis, selection of required equipment, budget capital and operating cost estimates, field test programme, report presentation

Feasibility & Efficiency Studies

Associated with existing and new equipment, onsite inspection of property and equipment, access roads and docks, local manufacturing and contracting facilities, power and water supply, existing work methods, process and equipment, tabulation of results, preparation of recommendations, capital and operating costs and benefits, detailed discussions with client, report presentation.

Dredge Rehabilitation

Detailed dredge inspection at site, preparation of survey report, new design concept, rehabilitation requirements listing, modified arrangement drawing, discussions with local contractors and clients, preparation of costing for required labour and materials, preparations of report detailing benefits derived from rehabilitation.

Equipment Design

With over fifty years of design experience coupled with the latest inhouse computer design packages, A.D.L. can design a wide range of alluvial mineral recovery equipment. Every contract is designed to comply with the specific requirements of the client's project. Our company policy is flexible and is typified by out emphasis on incorporating indigenous manufactured components into our design concept.

Manufacturing Drawings

A.D.L can produce detailed manufacturing drawings for any item of equipment associated with the alluvial mineral recovery. An initial design assembly drawing is prepared from which individual component drawings are detailed, specifying the number required, component material and any other relevant information required to facilitate construction. All drawings are prepared in consultation with British Standards or any equiliant standard required by the client.

Engineering Specifications

A.D.L. produce detailed specifications in compliance with every manufacturing drawing. An assembly specification is produced which lists the specification and drawing number for each item along with full assembly instructions. From this an itemised technical spcification is produced which details dimensions, weight, material tolerances, finish and any other specific instructions, thus ensuring complience with the initial design concept.

Procurement & Inspection

A.D.L. can also act on behalf of the client to source associated components. Full technical enquiries are issued, progressed and vetted on receipt for compliance to specification, price and delivery. Orders are issued on behalf of the client and the process monitored throughout the manufacturing period, with final inspection carried out by a qualified A.D.L. engineer.

Site Construction & Supervision

A.D.L. have extensive experience of onsite construction of bucket line, other dredges and treatment plants and can supply the services of experienced shipwrights , welders, engineers and electricians to supervise the clients local workforce from initial hull alignment through to the final installation and commissioning of all the mechanical and electrical equipment on the dredge and plant.

Training & Commissioning

A.D.L. can provide the services of experienced dredgemasters, winchmen, and treatment plant specialists to conduct training sessions for the client's operating personnel, commissioning the dredge on completion of construction and to adjust the settings of the treatment plant to ensure maximum recovery efficiency when production commences and for an agreed period thereafter.

Project Management

A.D.L. can act behalf of the client as project managers, on either new or excisting projects. With the aid of inhouse computers project PERT charts are prepared, order and deliveries and shipments are co-ordinated, construction programmes are planned along with production schedules to ensure contract completion on schedule.
